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1364 results found


How Integrated Outbreak Analytics (IOA) answers operational questions (ENG)

  IOA aims to drive comprehensive, accountable, and effective public health and clinical strategies by enabling communities, and national and subnational health authorities to use data for operational decision-making. IOA embraces a holistic approach: from the research questions to the…

Comment une Cellule d’Analyse Intégrée des Epidémies (AIE) répond aux questions opérationnelles (FR) fr

  L’objectif de notre partenariat est de faciliter et encourager les communautés et les autorités sanitaires à concevoir des stratégies de Santé Publique responsables, redevables et efficaces reposant sur l’analyse de données objectives et multisectorielles. L’AIE adopte une approche holistique…

How African civil wars hibernate: the warring communities of the Senegal / Guinea Bissau borderlands in the face of the Casamance forgotten civil war and the Bissau-Guinean state failure

This article focuses on the issue of how civil wars survive (post) conflict resolution and reconstruction policies at the edges of states through the local dynamics of cross-border areas.
Policy Document

National Ebola Recovery Strategy for Sierra Leone 2015–2017

The Sierra Leone government’s immediate post-Ebola strategy for rebuilding the health system during and after the 2014-16 Ebola epidemic
Policy Document

Pandemic Influenza Strategic Plan (PISP) Jan 2020 to Dec 2024

The Government of Sierra Leone’s plan for tackling a future influenz\a pandemic, written just before the Covid-19 outbreak.

National Action Plan for Health Security, Nigeria

The National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS) is a comprehensive multi-sectoral plan that integrates multiple workplans including REDISSE, NCDC Strategy Plan, AMR Action Plan, and immunizations plans, addressing the major gaps identified by the Joint External Evaluation (2017) and…
Policy Document

Technical Guidelines for Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response in Nigeria

The goal of IDSR is to improve the ability of LGAs to detect and respond to diseases and conditions that cause high levels of death, illness and disability in the LGA‘s catchment area. Strengthening skills and resources for integrated disease…
Research Article

Gender Relations and Power Dynamics in WFP Palestine Beneficiary Households Study – WFP and UN Women 2022

WFP Palestine commissioned this study to assess gender dynamics and power relations in WFP Palestine beneficiary households and propose recommendations to improve the gender transformative potential of WFP programming. Co-funded by UN Women.