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1364 results found

Reintegration of former child soldiers in northern Uganda: Coming to terms with children’s agency and accountability

Reintegration processes of formerly abducted children have yielded limited success in northern Uganda. The article seeks answers to the question why reintegration processes in the area have failed. The approach of one Christian non-governmental organization towards reintegration is compared with…
Journal Article

Is promoting war trauma such a good idea?

The introduction of trauma narratives has created a market where some are able to thrive, but many deeply troubled individuals remain invisible. The authors found no social benefits from promoting trauma, and few positive effects for individuals. Arguments for urgently…
Book Chapter

South Sudan-Sudan Cross-Border Relations. In: State Building and Development in South Sudan

As a contribution to international, regional and national processes aimed at informing state building in South Sudan, the African Research and Resource Forum in partnership with University of Juba, organised a two-day international dialogue called “State Building and Development in…

The Legacy of Kokora in South Sudan

This briefing paper presents a historical case study on Kokora, a word associated with the decentralization policy enacted in southern Sudan in 1983. The policy divided the semi-autonomous Southern Region in Sudan, into three smaller administrative regions. While the events…
Background Reports

Southern Sudan at Odds with Itself: Dynamics of Conflict and Predicaments of Peace

This report aims to clarify reasons for increased intra-south violence in South Sudan. By reflecting on how people living and working in Southern Sudan experienced events since the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), this report looks at ways in which intra-southern…

Bringing Justice to the People: Examining International Assistance to the DR Congo’s Judiciary and Its Impacts on Sexual Violence Crimes and Gender Power Relations in North Kivu

This thesis aims to explore the impact of international assistance on challenging sexual violence crimes in conflict in the eastern DRC. In this regard, firstly, a broad understanding of the notion of violence is provided by gendering Slavoj Žižek’s theory…
SOAS University of London
Research Brief

Returning to Society: Insights from a Survey on the Return and Reintegration of Former Combatants in South Kivu

This Congo Research Brief contributes to a better understanding of sponteneous return processes of ex-combtants. Its conclusions are based on a survey on the return of former combatants which was carried out in the province of South Kivu. The survey…
Journal Article

“This mine has become our farmland”: Critical perspectives on the coevolution of artisanal mining and conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The debate on conflict minerals in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has been widely documented by the international media, government and non-governmental agencies and academics. In recent years, a variety of international initiatives have been launched to curb…
Science Direct
Journal Article

‘The response is like a big ship’: community feedback as a case study of evidence uptake and use in the 2018–2020 Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The 2018–2020 Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) took place in the highly complex protracted crisis regions of North Kivu and Ituri. The Red Cross developed a community feedback (CF) data collection process through the work…
BMJ Publishing Group
Journal Article

Social norms and family planning decisions in South Sudan

With a maternal mortality ratio of 789 per 100,000 live births, and a contraceptive prevalence rate of 4.7%, South Sudan has one of the worst reproductive health situations in the world. Understanding the social norms around sexuality and reproduction, across…
BMC Public Health
Policy Document

Strategic Response Plan For The Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak In The Provinces Of North Kivu And Ituri Democratic Republic Of The Congo July – December 2019 fr

This document sets out the Ministry of Health’s strategic response to the Ebola Virus outbreak in North Kivu and Ituri provinces in 2019. Taking into account the impact of insecurity in these regions, the plan details how the government planned…

Sudan: Conflict briefing note

This briefing note, published on 19 April 2023, from ACAPS describes the impact of the Sudan crisis on provision and humanitarian constraints.