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1364 results found

Foresight Papers

Infectious Diseases: Preparing for the Future Africa

The current project, Infectious Diseases: preparing for the future, looks ahead10–25 years. Its aim has been to assess the future threat of diseases in plants, animals and humans, and to develop a vision of how those challenges could be managed…
Office of Science and Innovation
Evidence Reviews

Is Settling Good for Pastoralists? The Effects of Pastoral Sedentarization on Children’s Nutrition, Growth, and Health among Rendille and Ariaal of Marsabit District, Northern Kenya.

The settling of formerly mobile pastoral populations is occurring rapidly throughout East Africa. Pastoral sedentarization has been encouraged by international development agencies and national governments to alleviate problems of food insecurity, health care delivery, and national integration. However, it has…
Journal Article

A Hard Homecoming: Lessons Learned from the Reception Center Process in Northern Uganda: An Independent Study

This independent report has been commissioned by USAID and UNICEF to examine assumptions and evidence about the needs and experiences of children and adults who have been forced to serve under the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), and have subsequently escaped,…
Journal Article

The Lord’s Resistance Army in Sudan: A History and Overview

The ongoing peace talks between the Government of Uganda and the Lord’s Resistance Army/Movement (LRA/M) in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, have created renewed international interest in the conflict in northern Uganda. While the negotiations have proved extremely difficult,…

A Hard Homecoming: Lessons Learned from the Reception Center Process in Northern Uganda: An Independent Study

This independent report has been commissioned by USAID and UNICEF to examine assumptions and evidence about the needs and experiences of children and adults who have been forced to serve under the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), and have subsequently escaped,…
London School of Economics

Perspectives on polio and immunization in Northern Nigeria

Through the efforts of the global campaign to eradicate poliomyelitis, polio cases have declined worldwide, from 35,251 cases in 1988, to 1449 cases as of 28 October 2005. However, confirmed cases of wild polio virus continue to be reported from…
Journal Article

Traditional healers in Nigeria: perception of cause, treatment and referral practices for severe malaria.

Malaria remains one of the main causes of mortality among young children in sub-Saharan Africa. In Nigeria traditional healers play an important role in health care delivery and the majority of the population depend on them for most of their…
Journal Article

Violence and the body: somatic expressions of trauma and vulnerability during war

Drawing on ethnographic research conducted along the Sierra Leone-Guinea border during wartime, this article explores the contested nature of the body and bodily illness during times of spectacular political violence.
Evidence Reviews

MMR Mobilisation: Citizens and Science in a British Vaccine Controversy

This paper examines the controversy over measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine in Britain through the lenses of social movement theory and social studies of science. Since the early 1990s, networks of parents have raised, and mobilised around, concerns that…
Background Reports

Global Governance and the Limits of Health Security

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa has exposed the limits of the current approach to the global governance of infectious diseases, which mixes public health and security interests. International efforts to strengthen ‘health security’ quickly faltered when confronted with weak…
Journal Article

Traditional healers for HIV/AIDS prevention and family planning, Kiboga District, Uganda: evaluation of a program to improve practices

South Sudan has one of the worst health and maternal health situations in the world. While maternal health services at primary care level are not well developed, even where they exist, many women do not use them. Developing location specific…
Springer Nature
Background Reports

Childhood Vaccination and Society in The Gambia: Public Engagement with Science and Delivery

This paper examines public engagement with routine vaccination delivery, and vaccine trials and related medical research, in The Gambia. Its approach is rooted in social and medical anthropology and ethnographic methods, but combines insights from the sociology of scientific knowledge,…