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1433 results found

Background report

What Factors Might Have Led to the Emergence of Ebola in West Africa?

An Ebola outbreak of unprecedented scope emerged in West Africa in December 2013 and presently continues unabated in the countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. Ebola is not new to Africa, and outbreaks have been confirmed as far back…
Evidence review

A Plan to Strengthen Community Resilience to Drought in Southern Africa

This plan aims to reinforce community resilience to food insecurity by strengthening the following areas: access to and availability of food; household food security and nutrition and livelihoods; community-based disaster risk reduction; access to safe water and hygiene, and health…
IFRC - International Federation of Red Cross/ Red Cresent Societies

Famine in Somalia: Causes and Solutions

The UN announcement of famine in Somalia is both a wake-up call to the scale of this disaster, and a wake-up call to the solutions needed to limit death-from-hunger now and in the future. So, what is famine and how…

Understanding the Economic Effects of the 2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa

Since March 2014, over 3,000 people have died from the relentless spread of the Ebola virus throughout the West African countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria. Despite the heroic efforts of the humanitarian and medical professionals in these countries, crumbling public health…
Futures thinking

Humanitarian trends in Southern Africa: challenges and opportunities

This report gives the findings of field research, secondary data analysis and detailed interrogation of humanitarian emergencies, and proposes six broad clusters of potential threats.
Regional Interagency Standing Committee, Southern Africa. Rome, FAO
Background report

Health and Climate Change: Key Linkages in Southern Africa

Climate change has major health implications for developing countries but the links are often not well understood. This report describes the current and predicted climate impacts on human health in southern Africa. It presents a view of existing health vulnerabilities…
Research Gate
Background report

A Public Health Approach to the Impact of Climate Change on Health in Southern Africa – Identifying Priority Modifiable Risks

Anthropogenic climate change and anticipated adverse effects on human health as outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are taken as givens. A conceptual model for thinking about the spectrum of climate-related health risks ranging from distal and…
South African Medical Journal
Evidence review

Potential Impact of Climate Change on Livestock Production and Health in East Africa: A Review

Agriculture and livestock are amongst the most climate sensitive economic sectors in the developing countries whilst the rural poor communities are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Climate change is real and is happening now. Current knowledge…
Livestock Research for Rural Development
Evidence review

Managing Climate Extremes and Disasters in Africa: Lessons from the IPCC SREX report

The Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to AdvanceClimate Change Adaptation(SREX) was commissioned by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)in response to a recognised need to provide specific advice on climate change, extreme weather…
Climate and Development Knowledge Network
Evidence review

Climate Change and Health in SADC Region: Review of the Current State of Knowledge

Evidence shows that the SADC region is experiencing increasing frequency of hot days and decreasing frequency of extremely cold days. Rainfall trends are variable but evidence points to an increased inter-annual variability, with extremely wet periods and more intense droughts…
Southern Africa Regional Climate Change Programme
Evidence review

El Niño: Overview of Impact, Projected Humanitarian Needs and Response as of 02 June 2016

The humanitarian impact of the 2015-2016 El Niño remains deeply alarming, now affecting over 60 million people. Central America, East Africa (particularly Ethiopia), the Pacific and Southern Africa remain the most affected regions. The El Niño phenomenon is now in decline, but projections indicate the situation will worsen…
Background report

Climate Change and Health across Africa: Issues and Options 

This working paper lays out the current state of knowledge regarding direct and indirect impacts of environmental factors on health across Africa. While there are many uncertainties in magnitudes of climate change, particularly with timing, the existing literature makes interesting…

Find emergency response resources

Curated collections of briefings, infographics, tools, blogs and other resources from SSHAP and other organisations working on social sciences in emergencies.